Why final inspections are so important?

So you did the work – passed all of your rough-in inspections and your project is done now, so you can just move in, right?

Not a good idea! You do still need those final inspections.  But the work is done, and you’re happy with the project, so why bother?

You still need to have the final inspections before your permits can be closed as APPROVED.  If the work is complete, you still need to get your final inspections approved, or the permits would be closed as unapproved, which may cause an issue later - for example, if you ever go to sell the property, have a professional appraisal or something similar done. 

Also, if there were ever issues with any newly installed appliances, etc. an insurance company can rightfully deny claims if there hasn't been a final inspection, or if permits were closed unapproved for inspections that didn't happen or didn't pass and were not corrected.

Also once a permit is closed as unapproved, per code, it can't be reopened, so you then would need to reapply for new permits (and pay more money) to get those finals done. Not to mention, if we are under a new code at that time, everything would need to be brought up to the new code standards before it could be approved.  This can be a very costly and time consuming solution to something that could have been done correctly when the original permits were pulled.

Get your final inspections as soon as the work is done, and put this to rest right away!