Subtrade Permit Process
Many projects require electrical, mechanical, and plumbing work, often through the appropriate subcontractor. If you have hired a subcontractor to perform your electrical, mechanical, and/or plumbing work, the subcontractor must pull the permit. Alternatively, you may pull a subtrade permit as a homeowner, if you are doing most or all the work yourself.
You may mail or hand-deliver the subtrade permit application to our office. Unlike the building permit application, we will not issue the subtrade permit if you did not provide check or cash upon submission of your application. We consider a subtrade permit issued upon receipt.
Turnover time for subtrade permit applications is usually immediate. If you need help determining which units on the second page of the application is necessary for your permit, you may speak with our subtrade inspectors. Call our office at (616) 863-9294 to speak with an inspector. The best time to reach them is weekdays between 8am and 9am before they leave to do their inspections.
** We do not inspect any subcontractor work without an issued permit. **
** We will not inspect building rough-in and final work until all subcontractors have passed their inspection. **
** We will not perform a subtrade inspection if the subtrade permit is issued but a required building permit has not been issued.**